Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Patchwork Dress by The Button Jar

I have been following a blog here on blogger called The Button Jar. Michelle is a talented seamstress who makes, amongst many other items, beautiful quilted dresses. I have ordered one for my 2 1/2 year old for Christmas. The top is made out of a man's dress shirt and the bottom is put together like a patchwork quilt. It looks like it would be hours of work and is so neat because it also reuses old fabrics. If anyone knows me they know that I love freecycle and reusing old items. This is a beautiful way to incorporate something old into something new. The designs she uses for her little toddler & baby dresses are very classic and the fabric she chooses are very light and feminine. Perfect for any little girl. Check out her blog:

She also makes pencil crayon rolls, bibs, bags and other neat handmade items. Check her out and order something cute for a little friend of yours for Christmas.

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